Video #59 Coronavirus Poetry Series
“Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No Matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better.” Written by Samuel Beckett Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/30/2020 Music What if I Could | The New Fools #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #SamuelBeckett #poetry #poet #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #workhousepr #Foxrock #ireland #irish #theatre
Video #58 Coronavirus Poetry Series
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” Written by C.S. Lewis Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/29/2020 Music Beatdown | Marten Moses #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #CSLewis #poetry #poet #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #workhousepr #Oxford #UK #British #Theologian Video #57 Coronavirus Poetry Series
“My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud’ Written by Henry Rollins Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/29/2020 Music Escaping the Brigade | Craft Case #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #HenryRollins #poetry #poet #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #workhousepr #punk #blackflag Video #56 Coronavirus Poetry Series
“I don’t know where I am going, but I am on my way.’ Written by Voltaire Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/28/2020 Music Calling You | Peachy Pavement #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #Voltaire #poetry #poet #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #workhousepr #Paris #France #enlightenment Video #55 Coronavirus Poetry Series
“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it Into a door.” Written by Coco Chanel Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/27/2020 Music Geeks Unite | Quarter Roll #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #CocoChanel #poetry #poet #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #workhousepr #Chanel #fashion #style #couture #Paris #France Video #54 Coronavirus Poetry Series
“May you live all the days of your life.” Written by Jonathan Swift Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/26/2020 Music Slang | South Pause #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #JonathanSwift #poetry #poet #writing #publishing #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #prose #writer #workhousepr #politics #dublin #ireland #irish #satirist #politics #GulliversTravels Video #53 Coronavirus Poetry Series
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Written by Eleanor Roosevelt Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/25/2020 Music Moonlight Ignite | Lucention #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #EleanorRoosevelt #poetry #poet #writing #publishing #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #prose #writer #workhousepr #politics #FDR Video #53 Coronavirus Poetry Series
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Written by Ralph Waldo Emerson Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/24/2020 Music Wolves | Farrell Wooten #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #RalphWaldoEmerson #poetry #poet #writing #publishing #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #prose #writer #workhousepr #Boston #Massachusetts #transcendentalist Video #52 Coronavirus Poetry Series
"The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” Written by Ayn Rand Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/23/2020 Music Boomo | All We Know #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #AynRand #poetry #poet #writing #publishing #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #prose #writer #workhousepr #Russia #philosopher #objectivism #thefountainhead #atlasShrugged Video #51 Coronavirus Poetry Series
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Written by Mae West Conceived, Narrated & Edited by Adam Nelson 05/22/2020 Music Evapor8 | Rascal Genius #coronavirus #corona #covid_19 #covıd19 #MaeWest #poetry #poet #writing #publishing #street #socialdistancing #alone #alonetogether #nj #newjersey #nyc #newyork #film #movie #cinema #virus #prose #writer #workhousepr #bushwick #hollywood #sexsymbol #comedy #humor #funny |
September 2024